Monday 24 June 2013

A different side of Shia Genocide

Before i start, I would like to let you know that i strongly condemn shia genocide and this article doesn't support it in anyway. I'm not a political enthusiast, I'm not a social worker, neither m i a famous journalist.All I am is a observer, a person with a heart who hasn't published a book. Maybe that disqualifies me to write the truth, But i'm going to write it anyway.
               When i look around today, all i seem to observe are trends.Oh wait! let me post this with hash tags    even if i don't know enough about it and i don't feel it from my heart. Isn't that the way we all tend to think these days. And one of these latest things in fashion is talking about the shia genocide. Oh! so some shia's got killed, it must be those filthy talibans who did that.
Once again, i'm not supporting the killing, what makes me sad is our thinking. Have we ever even tried to think the other way around. Why would we, It would make us less cooler, We shall get lesser likes and retweets. But just for one moment, let's try to think the other way around, without caring about what people think of us. Why are talibans killing shias? Is it only because they have no minds or can it be something else? Can it be because they have hearts too? Can it be because they get hurt too? Can it be because there families are getting killed too?  No way! how can talibans get killed, they have no daughters, they have no mothers. Brothers? what? do they have brothers? Do they have heart that cries out loud when their family is killed like mosquitos and nobody even cares enough to mourn for them? 
It is literally very hard for us to accept the fact that they're getting killed too.Not only so called talibans are what i'm talking about, but innocent people who are forced to turn into what we call murderers because there families mean nothing to us. Because we don't care when the blood creeps out of their necks. Because we have never thought how would it be when our home falls apart and when we try to seek justice, nobody listens because shia are angels. Just because shias get killed, they can't kill anyone. our life is value less.
Now many of you would have the question that what makes me say that? well i know the shia people whose families have been involved in sunni massacre. I know some shia people who support killing innocent sunni's just because of there sect.
The thing that I'm trying to say is there are good and bad people everywhere. Seeing talibans as the evil ones just show the level of our thinking. 

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